logo This build log was produced by for driver733/blog#149
+ set -e
+ set -o pipefail
++ dirname ./
+ cd .
+ echo 20730
+ echo '1.68.2 70c246ce3'
1.68.2 70c246ce3
+ date
Mon Apr  1 00:24:21 CEST 2019
+ uptime
 00:24:21 up 106 days, 13:54,  0 users,  load average: 6.02, 5.72, 5.73
+ pull_id=149
+ image=yegor256/blog
+ fork_branch='#146'
+ head_branch=master
+ pull_title='#146 - typo fix'
+ author=driver733
+ vars=('' '--env=pull_id=149' '' '--env=fork_branch=#146' '--env=head_branch=master' '--env=pull_title=#146 - typo fix' '--env=author=driver733' '--env=scripts=( '\''export '\''\'\'''\'''\''\'\'''\'''\'' '\'';'\'' '\''export '\''\'\'''\''pull_id=149'\''\'\'''\'''\'' '\'';'\'' '\''export '\''\'\'''\'''\''\'\'''\'''\'' '\'';'\'' '\''export '\''\'\'''\''fork_branch=#146'\''\'\'''\'''\'' '\'';'\'' '\''export '\''\'\'''\''head_branch=master'\''\'\'''\'''\'' '\'';'\'' '\''export '\''\'\'''\''pull_title=#146 - typo fix'\''\'\'''\'''\'' '\'';'\'' '\''export '\''\'\'''\''author=driver733'\''\'\'''\'''\'' '\'';'\'' '\''export GEM_HOME=~/.ruby'\'' '\'';'\'' '\''export GEM_PATH=$GEM_HOME:$GEM_PATH'\'' '\'';'\'' '\''export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8'\'' '\'';'\'' '\''bundle install'\'' '\'';'\'' '\''rake'\'' '\'';'\'' )')
+ scripts=('export '\'''\''' ';' 'export '\''pull_id=149'\''' ';' 'export '\'''\''' ';' 'export '\''fork_branch=#146'\''' ';' 'export '\''head_branch=master'\''' ';' 'export '\''pull_title=#146 - typo fix'\''' ';' 'export '\''author=driver733'\''' ';' 'export GEM_HOME=~/.ruby' ';' 'export GEM_PATH=$GEM_HOME:$GEM_PATH' ';' 'export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8' ';' 'bundle install' ';' 'rake' ';')
+ directory=
+ container=driver733_blog_149
+ as_root=false
+ mkdir -p /home/rultor/.ssh
+ echo -e 'Host\n\tStrictHostKeyChecking no\n'
+ chmod 600 /home/rultor/.ssh/config
+ git clone repo
Cloning into 'repo'...
+ cd repo
+ git config
+ git config rultor
+ '[' -z 'export '\'''\''' ']'
+ cd ..
+ cat
+ '[' false = true ']'
+ cat
+ chmod a+x
+ cat
+ echo 'export '\'''\''' ';' 'export '\''pull_id=149'\''' ';' 'export '\'''\''' ';' 'export '\''fork_branch=#146'\''' ';' 'export '\''head_branch=master'\''' ';' 'export '\''pull_title=#146 - typo fix'\''' ';' 'export '\''author=driver733'\''' ';' 'export GEM_HOME=~/.ruby' ';' 'export GEM_PATH=$GEM_HOME:$GEM_PATH' ';' 'export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8' ';' 'bundle install' ';' rake ';'
+ rm -rf .gpg
+ cd repo
+ git remote add fork
+ git remote update
Fetching origin
Fetching fork
 * [new branch]      #146       -> fork/#146
 * [new branch]      master     -> fork/master
+ args=
+ '[' '' == default ']'
+ '[' '' == no ']'
+ '[' '' == only ']'
+ export BRANCH=__rultor
+ BRANCH=__rultor
++ git show-branch __rultor
++ wc -l
+ '[' 0 -gt 0 ']'
+ git checkout -B __rultor fork/#146
Switched to a new branch '__rultor'
Branch __rultor set up to track remote branch #146 from fork.
+ git checkout -B master origin/master
Switched to and reset branch 'master'
Branch master set up to track remote branch master from origin.
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
+ '[' '' == true ']'
+ '[' '' == true ']'
+ git merge __rultor
Updating 360800d..a587ff6
 .../ | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+ docker_when_possible
+ true
++ uptime
++ sed 's/ /\n/g'
++ tail -n 1
+ load=5.71
++ echo 5.71 '>' 30
++ bc
+ '[' 0 -eq 1 ']'
+ echo 'load average is 5.71, low enough to run a new Docker container'
load average is 5.71, low enough to run a new Docker container
+ break
+ cd ..
+ '[' -n '' ']'
+ use_image=yegor256/blog
+ docker pull yegor256/blog
Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from yegor256/blog
Digest: sha256:c3e7227ba5aaf510d6c76bfe95afe79bcf50edd025368abb5d91cbcb5948634d
Status: Image is up to date for yegor256/blog:latest
+ docker ps --filter=status=exited
+ grep --quiet '\sdriver733_blog_149\s*$'
+ ls -al .
total 712
drwx--x--x  3 rultor rultor   4096 Apr  1 00:24 .
drwxrwxrwt 14 root   root   684032 Apr  1 00:24 ..
-rw-rw-r--  1 rultor rultor    444 Apr  1 00:24
-rwxrwxr-x  1 rultor rultor    338 Apr  1 00:24
-rw-rw-r--  1 rultor rultor      6 Apr  1 00:24 pid
drwxrwxr-x  8 rultor rultor   4096 Apr  1 00:24 repo
-rwxrwxr-x  1 rultor rultor   5559 Apr  1 00:24
-rw-rw-r--  1 rultor rultor    484 Apr  1 00:24
-rw-rw-r--  1 rultor rultor   4420 Apr  1 00:24 stdout
++ pwd
++ pwd
+ docker run -t --rm -v /tmp/rultor-7ycy:/main --env=pull_id=149 --env=fork_branch=#146 --env=head_branch=master '--env=pull_title=#146 - typo fix' --env=author=driver733 '--env=scripts=( '\''export '\''\'\'''\'''\''\'\'''\'''\'' '\'';'\'' '\''export '\''\'\'''\''pull_id=149'\''\'\'''\'''\'' '\'';'\'' '\''export '\''\'\'''\'''\''\'\'''\'''\'' '\'';'\'' '\''export '\''\'\'''\''fork_branch=#146'\''\'\'''\'''\'' '\'';'\'' '\''export '\''\'\'''\''head_branch=master'\''\'\'''\'''\'' '\'';'\'' '\''export '\''\'\'''\''pull_title=#146 - typo fix'\''\'\'''\'''\'' '\'';'\'' '\''export '\''\'\'''\''author=driver733'\''\'\'''\'''\'' '\'';'\'' '\''export GEM_HOME=~/.ruby'\'' '\'';'\'' '\''export GEM_PATH=$GEM_HOME:$GEM_PATH'\'' '\'';'\'' '\''export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8'\'' '\'';'\'' '\''bundle install'\'' '\'';'\'' '\''rake'\'' '\'';'\'' )' --hostname=docker --privileged --memory=6g --memory-swap=16g --oom-kill-disable --cidfile=/tmp/rultor-7ycy/cid -w=/main -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --name=driver733_blog_149 yegor256/blog /main/
WARNING: Your kernel does not support swap limit capabilities or the cgroup is not mounted. Memory limited without swap.
+ set -e
+ set -o pipefail
+ shopt -s dotglob
+ useradd -m -G sudo r
+ echo '%sudo ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL'
+ cp -R /root/.bashrc /root/.composer /root/.gem /root/.gnupg /root/.m2 /root/.npm /root/.oracle_jre_usage /root/.profile /root/texmf /root/.wget-hsts /home/r
+ cp -R ./cid ./ ./ ./pid ./repo ./ ./ ./stdout /home/r
+ rm -rf repo
+ chown -R r:r /home/r
+ chmod a+x /home/r/
+ su --login r --command /home/r/
mesg: change /dev/pts/0 mode failed: Operation not permitted
+ set -e
+ set -o pipefail
+ shopt -s expand_aliases
+ alias 'sudo=sudo -i'
+ export HOME=/home/r
+ HOME=/home/r
+ cd /home/r/repo
+ export
+ export pull_id=149
+ pull_id=149
+ export
+ export fork_branch=#146
+ fork_branch='#146'
+ export head_branch=master
+ head_branch=master
+ export 'pull_title=#146 - typo fix'
+ pull_title='#146 - typo fix'
+ export author=driver733
+ author=driver733
+ export GEM_HOME=/home/r/.ruby
+ GEM_HOME=/home/r/.ruby
+ export GEM_PATH=/home/r/.ruby:/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.3:/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.3@global
+ GEM_PATH=/home/r/.ruby:/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.3:/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.3@global
+ export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
+ LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
+ bundle install
Fetching gem metadata from
Fetching gem metadata from
Resolving dependencies....
32mFetching rake 12.3.20m
32mInstalling rake 12.3.20m
32mFetching concurrent-ruby 1.1.50m
32mInstalling concurrent-ruby 1.1.50m
32mFetching i18n 0.9.50m
32mInstalling i18n 0.9.50m
32mFetching minitest 5.11.30m
32mInstalling minitest 5.11.30m
32mFetching thread_safe 0.3.60m
32mInstalling thread_safe 0.3.60m
32mFetching tzinfo 1.2.50m
32mInstalling tzinfo 1.2.50m
32mFetching activesupport 4.2.100m
32mInstalling activesupport 4.2.100m
Using public_suffix 3.0.3
Using addressable 2.5.2
32mFetching ast 2.4.00m
32mInstalling ast 2.4.00m
Using bundler 1.16.5
32mFetching coffee-script-source 1.11.10m
32mInstalling coffee-script-source 1.11.10m
32mFetching execjs 2.7.00m
32mInstalling execjs 2.7.00m
32mFetching coffee-script 2.4.10m
32mInstalling coffee-script 2.4.10m
Using colorator 1.1.0
32mFetching colorize 0.8.10m
32mInstalling colorize 0.8.10m
32mFetching ruby-enum 0.7.20m
32mInstalling ruby-enum 0.7.20m
32mFetching commonmarker 0.17.130m
32mInstalling commonmarker 0.17.13 with native extensions0m
GemWrappers: Can not wrap missing file: commonmarker
32mFetching dnsruby 1.61.20m
32mInstalling dnsruby 1.61.20m
32mFetching eventmachine 1.2.70m
32mInstalling eventmachine 1.2.7 with native extensions0m
32mFetching http_parser.rb 0.6.00m
32mInstalling http_parser.rb 0.6.0 with native extensions0m
32mFetching em-websocket 0.5.10m
32mInstalling em-websocket 0.5.10m
32mFetching ffi 1.10.00m
32mInstalling ffi 1.10.0 with native extensions0m
32mFetching ethon 0.12.00m
32mInstalling ethon 0.12.00m
32mFetching multipart-post 2.0.00m
32mInstalling multipart-post 2.0.00m
32mFetching faraday 0.15.40m
32mInstalling faraday 0.15.40m
Using forwardable-extended 2.6.0
32mFetching gemoji 3.0.00m
32mInstalling gemoji 3.0.00m
GemWrappers: Can not wrap missing file: gemoji
32mFetching sawyer 0.8.10m
32mInstalling sawyer 0.8.10m
32mFetching octokit 4.14.00m
32mInstalling octokit 4.14.00m
32mFetching typhoeus 1.3.10m
32mInstalling typhoeus 1.3.10m
32mFetching github-pages-health-check 1.16.10m
32mInstalling github-pages-health-check 1.16.10m
Using rb-fsevent 0.10.3
32mFetching rb-inotify 0.10.00m
32mInstalling rb-inotify 0.10.00m
Using sass-listen 4.0.0
32mFetching sass 3.7.30m
32mInstalling sass 3.7.30m
Using jekyll-sass-converter 1.5.2
Using ruby_dep 1.5.0
Using listen 3.1.5
32mFetching jekyll-watch 2.2.10m
32mInstalling jekyll-watch 2.2.10m
Using kramdown 1.17.0
32mFetching liquid 4.0.00m
32mInstalling liquid 4.0.00m
Using mercenary 0.3.6
32mFetching pathutil 0.16.20m
32mInstalling pathutil 0.16.20m
32mFetching rouge 2.2.10m
32mInstalling rouge 2.2.10m
32mFetching safe_yaml 1.0.50m
32mInstalling safe_yaml 1.0.50m
32mFetching jekyll 3.7.40m
32mInstalling jekyll 3.7.40m
32mFetching jekyll-avatar 0.6.00m
32mInstalling jekyll-avatar 0.6.00m
32mFetching jekyll-coffeescript 1.1.10m
32mInstalling jekyll-coffeescript 1.1.10m
32mFetching jekyll-commonmark 1.3.10m
32mInstalling jekyll-commonmark 1.3.10m
32mFetching jekyll-commonmark-ghpages 0.1.50m
32mInstalling jekyll-commonmark-ghpages 0.1.50m
32mFetching jekyll-default-layout 0.1.40m
32mInstalling jekyll-default-layout 0.1.40m
32mFetching jekyll-feed 0.11.00m
32mInstalling jekyll-feed 0.11.00m
32mFetching jekyll-gist 1.5.00m
32mInstalling jekyll-gist 1.5.00m
32mFetching jekyll-github-metadata 2.12.10m
32mInstalling jekyll-github-metadata 2.12.10m
32mFetching mini_portile2 2.4.00m
32mInstalling mini_portile2 2.4.00m
32mFetching nokogiri 1.10.20m
32mInstalling nokogiri 1.10.2 with native extensions0m
GemWrappers: Can not wrap missing file: nokogiri
32mFetching html-pipeline 2.10.00m
32mInstalling html-pipeline 2.10.00m
32mFetching jekyll-mentions 1.4.10m
32mInstalling jekyll-mentions 1.4.10m
32mFetching jekyll-optional-front-matter 0.3.00m
32mInstalling jekyll-optional-front-matter 0.3.00m
32mFetching jekyll-paginate 1.1.00m
32mInstalling jekyll-paginate 1.1.00m
32mFetching jekyll-readme-index 0.2.00m
32mInstalling jekyll-readme-index 0.2.00m
32mFetching jekyll-redirect-from 0.14.00m
32mInstalling jekyll-redirect-from 0.14.00m
32mFetching jekyll-relative-links 0.6.00m
32mInstalling jekyll-relative-links 0.6.00m
32mFetching rubyzip 1.2.20m
32mInstalling rubyzip 1.2.20m
32mFetching jekyll-remote-theme 0.3.10m
32mInstalling jekyll-remote-theme 0.3.10m
32mFetching jekyll-seo-tag 2.5.00m
32mInstalling jekyll-seo-tag 2.5.00m
32mFetching jekyll-sitemap 1.2.00m
32mInstalling jekyll-sitemap 1.2.00m
32mFetching jekyll-swiss 0.4.00m
32mInstalling jekyll-swiss 0.4.00m
32mFetching jekyll-theme-architect 0.1.10m
32mInstalling jekyll-theme-architect 0.1.10m
32mFetching jekyll-theme-cayman 0.1.10m
32mInstalling jekyll-theme-cayman 0.1.10m
32mFetching jekyll-theme-dinky 0.1.10m
32mInstalling jekyll-theme-dinky 0.1.10m
32mFetching jekyll-theme-hacker 0.1.10m
32mInstalling jekyll-theme-hacker 0.1.10m
32mFetching jekyll-theme-leap-day 0.1.10m
32mInstalling jekyll-theme-leap-day 0.1.10m
32mFetching jekyll-theme-merlot 0.1.10m
32mInstalling jekyll-theme-merlot 0.1.10m
32mFetching jekyll-theme-midnight 0.1.10m
32mInstalling jekyll-theme-midnight 0.1.10m
32mFetching jekyll-theme-minimal 0.1.10m
32mInstalling jekyll-theme-minimal 0.1.10m
32mFetching jekyll-theme-modernist 0.1.10m
32mInstalling jekyll-theme-modernist 0.1.10m
32mFetching jekyll-theme-primer 0.5.30m
32mInstalling jekyll-theme-primer 0.5.30m
32mFetching jekyll-theme-slate 0.1.10m
32mInstalling jekyll-theme-slate 0.1.10m
32mFetching jekyll-theme-tactile 0.1.10m
32mInstalling jekyll-theme-tactile 0.1.10m
32mFetching jekyll-theme-time-machine 0.1.10m
32mInstalling jekyll-theme-time-machine 0.1.10m
32mFetching jekyll-titles-from-headings 0.5.10m
32mInstalling jekyll-titles-from-headings 0.5.10m
32mFetching jemoji 0.10.20m
32mInstalling jemoji 0.10.20m
32mFetching minima 2.5.00m
32mInstalling minima 2.5.00m
32mFetching unicode-display_width 1.5.00m
32mInstalling unicode-display_width 1.5.00m
32mFetching terminal-table 1.8.00m
32mInstalling terminal-table 1.8.00m
32mFetching github-pages 1970m
32mInstalling github-pages 1970m
GemWrappers: Can not wrap missing file: github-pages
32mFetching parallel 1.16.20m
32mInstalling parallel 1.16.20m
32mFetching yell 2.1.00m
32mInstalling yell 2.1.00m
32mFetching html-proofer 3.10.20m
32mInstalling html-proofer 3.10.20m
GemWrappers: Can not wrap missing file: htmlproofer
32mFetching jaro_winkler 1.5.20m
32mInstalling jaro_winkler 1.5.2 with native extensions0m
32mFetching json 2.2.00m
32mInstalling json 2.2.0 with native extensions0m
32mFetching mixlib-cli 1.7.00m
32mInstalling mixlib-cli 1.7.00m
32mFetching tomlrb 1.2.80m
32mInstalling tomlrb 1.2.80m
32mFetching mixlib-config 2.2.180m
32mInstalling mixlib-config 2.2.180m
32mFetching mdl 0.5.00m
32mInstalling mdl 0.5.00m
GemWrappers: Can not wrap missing file: mdl
32mFetching multi_json 1.13.10m
32mInstalling multi_json 1.13.10m
32mFetching parser
32mInstalling parser
GemWrappers: Can not wrap missing file: ruby-parse
GemWrappers: Can not wrap missing file: ruby-rewrite
32mFetching psych 3.1.00m
32mInstalling psych 3.1.0 with native extensions0m
32mFetching pygments.rb 1.2.10m
32mInstalling pygments.rb 1.2.10m
32mFetching rainbow 3.0.00m
32mInstalling rainbow 3.0.00m
32mFetching ruby-progressbar 1.10.00m
32mInstalling ruby-progressbar 1.10.00m
32mFetching rubocop 0.66.00m
32mInstalling rubocop 0.66.00m
GemWrappers: Can not wrap missing file: rubocop
32mFetching rubocop-rspec 1.32.00m
32mInstalling rubocop-rspec 1.32.00m
32mFetching scss_lint 0.57.10m
32mInstalling scss_lint 0.57.10m
GemWrappers: Can not wrap missing file: scss-lint
32mFetching w3c_validators 1.3.40m
32mInstalling w3c_validators 1.3.40m
32mBundle complete! 9 Gemfile dependencies, 107 gems now installed.0m
32mUse `bundle info [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.0m
32mPost-install message from dnsruby:0m
Installing dnsruby...
  For issues and source code:
  For general discussion (please tell us how you use dnsruby):!forum/dnsruby
32mPost-install message from sass:0m

Ruby Sass is deprecated and will be unmaintained as of 26 March 2019.

* If you use Sass as a command-line tool, we recommend using Dart Sass, the new
  primary implementation:

* If you use Sass as a plug-in for a Ruby web framework, we recommend using the
  sassc gem:

* For more details, please refer to the Sass blog:

32mPost-install message from html-pipeline:0m
Thank you for installing html-pipeline!
You must bundle Filter gem dependencies.
See html-pipeline for more details.
+ rake
rm -rf _site
Jekyll site directory deleted

Configuration file: /home/r/repo/_config.yml
            Source: /home/r/repo
       Destination: /home/r/repo/_site
 Incremental build: disabled. Enable with --incremental
       Jekyll Feed: Generating feed for posts
                    done in 3.158 seconds.
 Auto-regeneration: disabled. Use --watch to enable.
Jekyll site generated without issues

scss-lint found no lints
_site/CNAME: OK
_site/robots.txt: OK
_site/about.html: OK
_site/404.html: OK
_site/favicon.ico: OK
_site/rss.xml: OK
_site/sitemap.xml: OK
_site/assets/css/main.css: OK
_site/assets/css/code.css: OK
_site/2018/07/27/props-file.html: OK
_site/2018/10/08/entity-and-dto.html: OK
_site/2018/10/11/information-vs-data.html: OK
_site/2018/10/21/dtos-lead-to-temporal-coupling.html: OK
_site/2018/10/28/orm-alternative.html: OK
_site/2018/11/05/256-bloghacks-book-review.html: OK
All files are in place

_site/Rakefile: absent, OK
_site/Gemfile: absent, OK
_site/ absent, OK
_site/LICENSE.txt: absent, OK
_site/main.scss: absent, OK
_site/code.scss: absent, OK
There is no garbage

/2018/10/08/entity-and-dto.html: 16
/2018/07/27/props-file.html: 7
/2018/10/21/dtos-lead-to-temporal-coupling.html: 4
/2018/10/11/information-vs-data.html: 7
/2018/10/28/orm-alternative.html: 2
/2019/01/12/how-to-motivate-developers-write-tests.html: 1
/2019/03/18/extension-methods-are-not-oop.html: 1
/2019/03/31/dependency-injection-containers-vs-object-composition.html: 1
/2018/12/09/dao-in-the-world-of-elegant-objects.html: 1
/2018/11/25/printers-are-worse-than-getters.html: 1
/2018/11/05/256-bloghacks-book-review.html: 1
There are no orphans in 43 links

bundle exec mdl _posts --style /home/r/repo/style
Running RuboCop...
Inspecting 2 files

2 files inspected, 32mno offenses0m detected
_site/index.html: OK (549 words)
_site/2019/01/12/how-to-motivate-developers-write-tests.html: OK (661 words)
_site/2019/03/18/extension-methods-are-not-oop.html: OK (378 words)
_site/2019/03/31/dependency-injection-containers-vs-object-composition.html: OK (380 words)
_site/2018/12/09/dao-in-the-world-of-elegant-objects.html: OK (517 words)
_site/2018/10/08/entity-and-dto.html: OK (581 words)
_site/2018/10/28/orm-alternative.html: OK (312 words)
_site/2018/10/11/information-vs-data.html: OK (395 words)
_site/2018/10/21/dtos-lead-to-temporal-coupling.html: OK (395 words)
_site/2018/07/27/props-file.html: OK (160 words)
_site/2018/11/25/printers-are-worse-than-getters.html: OK (336 words)
_site/2018/11/05/256-bloghacks-book-review.html: OK (719 words)
_site/p/2/index.html: OK (144 words)
_site/404.html: OK (18 words)
_site/about.html: OK (25 words)
No spelling errors

index.html: OK
2018/07/27/props-file.html: OK
HTML is W3C compliant

HTML passed through html-proofer

+ mv /home/r/repo .
++ whoami
+ chown -R root repo
+ '[' -n '' ']'
++ whoami
+ sudo chown -R rultor repo
+ cd repo
+ git push origin master
   360800d..a587ff6  master -> master
container ab4d907c4fe2ae9a758e0bd6915d40f9e9f8bbb2130bdab3bb42b651d8b8a376 is dead
Mon Apr  1 00:27:02 CEST 2019